I deleted my entire server

Yes I did. Because I set up that server and website 5 years ago and I didn’t know a damn thing of what I was doing. There was a lot of messiness in the file structure, a lot of bloat because I installed things I didn’t need. As I was looking at my server, I decided it would be better to just do a hard reset, so I exported my MySQL database (gotta save these blog posts for posterity), the images, the crappy UI elements, and destroyed my Digital Ocean droplet completely.

The main things that I didn’t know back then was that apache and nginx basically serve the same functions and I had both on my server, because I was just following tutorials blindly without really knowing. Another is the way my .com and .rocks website code was ordered in my server (I even had duplicates because, once again, follow tutrials blindly). Now that’s all gone and my server is clean and better organised.

So now I’m setting up a new one. Gonna be trying out ReactJS for my main website, and keep on with wordpress for the blog. Let’s see how it goes, wish me luck!

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